Warton Tutoring

Test-prep from a tutor with an outstanding record of student success

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years experience tutoring and test-prep

many perfect scorers - 1600/36

multiple exclusive Prep Resources

“This test is impossible. There’s no way to improve!”

This is what I often hear from students before we begin classes together. Students, who’ve often tried everything to score higher, come to me after they’ve exhausted all other avenues of potential improvement. My answer to these students is always the same: you don’t have to be a testing genius to score well in these tests. All you need to know is how to solve questions, using the right techniques and with a knowledgeable instructor to guide you! That’s exactly how I’ve managed to help students increase their scores.

These score improvements are no accidents. My techniques are controversial and go against what many of the larger test-prep providers advocate.

My Pledge to you :

You will never spend time with me working on something that won't eventually translate into an eventual boost for your score. All lessons are designed for maximum gains.
The material you'll be provided with is the best prep material available. It will closely adhere to the contents of the real exam and leave you supremely well prepared!
Just as no student is exactly the same, no class will ever be the exactly same. Each class will be personalized based on the strengths and needs of each student.

My job is to help students get the highest score possible in the shortest possible time – nothing more, nothing less!

An irony I’ve noticed is that it doesn’t matter how good a student is in school; standardized tests are difficult for everyone. Here is a fairly typical statement I hear from students:

“I do pretty well in [related subject] at school, but this exam…this exam is something else! It’s like being a good reader or writer is only part of it…there are skills I just don’t get!”

And you know what – that is exactly right! Schools do not prepare students correctly for the rigors of standardized tests. In fact, many of the skills they learn in schools can be downright regressive in the standardized exams.

This means that to really do well in standardized exams you need a different skill set and way of thinking to approach the exams. A knowledgeable professional will be able to help address this.

So what makes me uniquely qualified to be that professional?

Experience, experience, experience

I have worked with many hundreds (in all honestly it is probably in the thousands now) of students, and these students have been my teachers. Good teaching is all about empathy and being able to see a problem from the perspective of a student. Through years of teaching I’ve learned how to see things from a student’s perspective and also how to successfully address problems students have! The sheer volume and variety of students I’ve worked with have provided me with a solid understanding of the unique challenges of each of these tests.

In-depth subject knowledge

I’ve read every resource I can find on these tests. I’ve also spent an unhealthy amount of time analyzing them to understand what is truly going on “under the hood,” to get a better sense of what skills they are actually testing. I also sometimes take the actual exams in order to stay current with any changes in the exams content.

A wealth of outstanding resources

Over the years I’ve published numerous resources to support the students I work with. For example, I have: created a website aimed at mechanizing the reading solving process, published a comprehensive high-hit vocabulary list, written two textbooks on reading, and authored a variety of Economics and Language & Composition lecture guides. My students have access to best resources. I am particularly proud of the number of real SAT-ACT-AP tests that I have collected over the years that are used for practice.

All of the above, I believe, makes me an exceptionally qualified partner for students who are chasing that dream score!